O negócio é dormir sem medo do outro dia. (Raul Seixas)



Publicist, journalist, editor and writer. He has written several books with enterprise content for companies that he serves as editor. He wrote plays, presented in dramatic readings, unseen in the stages. Has written argument, synopsis and opening chapters of novels for television - Invasores – with whom he won Honorable Mention in the contest for New Novel Writers, TV Record, in 2006. He won the award for Best Screenplay for Short Film, Academia de Filmes, with  A vingança da noiva, in 1985. He wrote photonovels to Abril, Globo and Três publishers in the 1980s. Edited and is an author of the chronicles book Damas de Ouro & Valetes Espada (MGuarnieri Editorial), in 2009. He currently writes chronicles for the Transamerica FM radio portal (www.primeiroprograma.com.br) and for the Algo a Dizer website (www.algoadizer.com.br) from Rio de Janeiro. He continues publishing books, magazines, newspapers, reports ...








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